We are back with another of our much loved B&G Interviews! this week we chatted to the beaut Fiona from Nor–Folk! We've insta-stalked her long enough, get to know her inspirations and savvy business advice! We love how laid back and content Fiona is! Let's hope it brushes off onto us! 

Fiona, Bobby and Stanley live in a converted factory and run lifestyle brand Nor–Folk.


Scandi living how to achieve a hygge lifestyle!

I love the Scandinavian culture. They understand the importance of togetherness, being in the moment and valuing good, quality design. I actually prefer the word ‘lagom’ which is Swedish for just enough. As a society it’s not about your status or the things you own, everyone is considered equal. We try to take a trip to one of the Scandinavian countries at least once a year (we always return inspired). They get so much right! I no longer feel bound to seasons and to buy lots of things, instead I wait and save until I get something I really value and will cherish. In turn, I never feel guilty about what we buy. We’ve started cooking our meals from scratch. At weekends we go and buy our food from the market; so Stanley, our son aged 4, can understand about the value of food. Weekends always involve the woods or the beach. We love being outdoors.

Finding your photography style!?

I am a graphic design graduate from Norwich University of the Arts, so when I compose a shot I think like a graphic designer and how it works on a grid. Not consciously. As a student you’re taught not to create anything unless it’s entirely necessary so I take that approach when shooting pictures. It’s a minimalist aesthetic with a focus on the beauty in the simplicity. And that translates to my interiors, the more cluttered the space the harder it is for me to have clarity. Minimalism is king.

Top Celeb Crush!?

James Dean, Steve McQueen & Paul Newman. I have a thing for blondes.

Favourite Pastime?

I love my job, photography, but I also love reading (non fiction).

Favourite place to eat?

If it’s dinner, just me and Bobby, then Benedicts (everytime) and for a lunchtime bite then the Bicycle Shop. I love their feta and beetroot wraps!

Bright or Pastel?

Muted earthy tones.

Building a brand, 3 steps for a beginner

Be authentic/be yourself, maintain your integrity and be consistent.

What inspired you to begin Nor–Folk?

Stanley. He’s my muse for everything I do. He’s grounded me and made me realise what is really important in life.

Favourite song

Genius of Love, Tom Tom Club or Rapture by Blondie. 

Quote or life motto!?

Dieter Rams ‘Good design is as little design as possible.’








We urge you to follow this lovely lady on all social platforms, we love her journal way of 'reporting'  and her house! Oh my!!! GOALS!

Instagram: @nor_folk

Twitter: @the_Nor_Folk

Facebook: wearethenorfolk

Pinterest: Nor_Folk

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